More people are up to their eyeballs in debt than ever before. Canadian families currently owe over $450 billion. That's almost $15,000 in debt for every man, woman, and child in the country. It's mortgages, vehicles, credit cards, student loans, and more ... and it's dangerous. The number of consumer bankruptcies has been rising dramatically every year, and Canadians from all walks of life are in dire financial straits — from the working poor to the highest-income professionals. No one is immune from crushing debt, and it will just get worse if we don't take control now.
Effectively managing your debt is one of the first—and most important — steps toward your financial health. Put Your Debt on a Diet takes the mystery and fear out of the process of overcoming even the most severe financial problems.
Whether you're in financial crisis, or just living too close to the edge, Put Your Debt on a Diet is the ultimate reducing plan to help you trim your debt load and put you on the road to good financial health.