We’ve all heard it: eat healthy to live healthy. But there is more to nutrition than the classic “eat your fruits and veggies” advice. Good nutrition is part of a full-body, lifelong approach to personal health rooted in a balanced diet, exercise, and other lifestyle habits. This special edition of Health decodes the building blocks of modern nutrition and takes a look at how what we eat has evolved over time. Health Nutrition also discusses the myths and truths of dieting and diet culture, helps you build your best plate for every meal, and answers all your questions about the most important meal of the day. This special edition also delves into how to fuel for an effective workout and looks at the value of healthy eating. Plus, a collection of recipes built to fit every busy lifestyle.
HEALTH: NUTRITION • Full-Body Strategies for Lifelong Health
WHAT HEALTHY EATING MEANS NOW • Nutrition is far from a one-size-fits-all concept. But learning how to eat well is all about going back to the basics.
OPENER • The building blocks of a healthy, well-rounded dietary pattern
EATING THROUGH THE AGES • Much of what makes up a nutritious diet today can be traced as far back as the Stone Age.
PROTEIN ANXIETY • Americans are among the highest consumers of protein in the world, yet many of us worry we’re not getting enough of it. How much do you really need?
FIBER FACTS • This wonder nutrient is linked to a longer life and is a key part of a nutritious diet. Here’s how to get more of it.
THE SCOOP ON SUGAR • Sugar is often seen as something to avoid at all costs. But how fearful do you really have to be? Here’s our advice.
SALT SHAKE-UP: WHY SODIUM CAN BE GOOD FOR YOU • You may not have to sweat about sodium if you’re healthy and fit. Here’s why you might take the oft-heard directive to cut way back with, well, a grain of salt.
ENERGY TO BURN • Stable blood sugar levels keep us happy and healthy. Read on for what you need to know to manage diet and exercise, avoid mood fluctuations, and more.
EXPERTS’ ADVICE ON SUPPLEMENTS • It’s hard to ignore the promise of the many pills and powders that claim they can optimize your health. But docs and researchers urge caution when it comes to these products. Here’s what you need to know.
OPENER • Learning what separates a fad diet from a holistic eating pattern
THE EVOLUTION OF DIET CULTURE • When did we get so obsessed with the food we put in our mouths?
THE LOWDOWN ON PART-TIME DIETS • Why cutting calories only some of the time may be the secret to achieving your weight-loss goals.
THE WORLD’S HEALTHIEST DIET • It pays to eat like the Greeks. Thanks to some powerhouse staples, the Mediterranean diet may be a key to a good, long life—and the news about it just keeps getting better.
A NEW WAY TO THINK ABOUT FOOD • Believers in the intuitive eating approach want you to stop counting calories and start embracing the pleasure of food.
MORE GREENS, PLEASE • Experts agree: You can’t go wrong with a plant-based diet. Here’s how to power your plate with more plants.
VEGGING OUT • Plant-based eating isn’t just about salads. Here are a few colorful collections that can give your plate a healthy boost.
OPENER • Expanding your diet to fit your lifestyle and nourish your health
YOUR BREAKFAST QUESTIONS, ANSWERED! • Experts weigh in on the most important meal of the day.
ARE YOU FUELING RIGHT? • The food and drink you consume before, during, and after a workout will help you feel great and perform your best. Do you know what you need?
SKIN DEEP • Your diet nourishes more than your inner health: It also has a significant impact on your skin and hair. Here’s how to keep them strong.