Model Rail magazine is the UK's biggest-selling magazine dedicated to railway modelling. Every issue is packed with the country’s finest home and club layouts, stunning photography, unbiased and in-depth product reviews, expert tips, layout plans and step-by-step articles that really show you how. In our unique ‘Workbench’ section, we tackle a wide range of modeling skills and projects. Our expert writers and model-makers will help you to get the most from your hobby and build the layout of your dreams. Model Rail is published 13 times a year, every four weeks.
News Real • Our full-size railways are constantly evolving, providing fresh inspiration for modelling projects. BEN JONES looks at a few of the latest developments that could soon be appearing on our layouts.
…and finally
Inside track with Ben Ando
From scrap to scenery • Daniel McMillan turned bits and bobs he found in his garage into a stunning ‘N’ gauge layout.
3 things we like
HOW TO PLAN & SET UP A MODEL SCENE • An effective backdrop can make or break a layout. As Paul Bambrick explains, it's often best to plan this element at an early stage, as it may need to tally with scenic contours and may even dictate the size and shape of your baseboards.
HOW TO CREATE LANDSCAPE CONTOURS • George Dent does his bit for the planet by recycling expanded polystyrene packaging foam to create the scenic contours on his layout.
HOW TO PAINT YOUR OWN BACKSCENE • You don't have to be a professional artist to create a convincing sky backdrop. Paul Bambrick talks us through his own methods and offers tips on composition, colours and application.
TOP TIPS FOR TRACKWORK • The tracks are one of the most important aspects of a model railway, so ensuring they look realistic is key to success. Chris Nevard and George Dent offer practical advice on applying ballast and giving it a suitably lived-in appearance.
HOW TO PLANT GRASS, FOLIAGE AND TREES • Chris Nevard, Peter Marriott and George Dent share their expertise in all things green, showing how a layered approach can reap dividends in terms of texture and realism.
HOW TO GET THE BEST FROM CHEAP TREES • Peter Marriott experiments with packs of cheap model trees he bought online to see if a few simple tweaks can make them look more realistic.
HOW TO MAKE REALISTIC TREES OUT OF CABLE • Paul Bambrick shares his techniques for creating super-realistic trees in any scale, using a range of simple materials and methods.
HOW TO MODEL CANALS LIKE A PRO • Peter Marriott shares eight of his expert tips for making canals look realistic – and keeping them watertight – in your countryside layouts.
HOW TO MAKE A PHOTOGRAPHIC SCENIC BREAK • Graham Goodchild demonstrates how using a real photograph for a scenic break can save you time and money.
MODELLING ‘THE SHOUT’ • Marking the bi-centenary of the RNLI, Chris Leigh installs the Scalescenes lifeboat house and lifeboat into a coastal scene to show how to model cliffs and a stormy sea.
HOW TO GIVE YOUR SIDINGS AND ROADS A MORE REALISTIC LOOK • George Dent offers some tips for replicating grimy goods yards and depots, as well as creating lifelike farm tracks, using an interesting new pack of scenic powders.
Heljan Ruston & Hornsby 48DS
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Factfile: Ruston & Hornsby 48DS
Accurascale Class 31
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Factfile: BR/Brush Class 31
EFE Rail NAA Propelling Control Vehicle
Hornby Skaledale GWR buildings
Backscene • CHRIS LEIGH is drawn back to the...